Public Participation
Public Participation is an option during regular board meetings. Community members interested in participating in Public Participation must complete the Public Participation Form and submit it to the district 24 hours prior to the meeting. Late submissions will be considered for the following regular board meeting. There is no public participation during work sessions or special meetings unless otherwise noted in the agenda. Agenda’s are available on the website HERE.
Each speaker will be provided an equal amount of time to speak. The total amount of time for each public participant will be 3 minutes. A total time of 30 minutes will be allotted for public participation and if there are more requests than time, individuals who have completed a form will be offered the opportunity to speak at a subsequent regular board meeting.
Participants will honor the time allocation and will also speak on topic, provide respect to other participants and district personnel, concisely summarize their concern, idea or solution.
Anonymous comments or speakers will not be considered.
As this is a regular board meeting, direct input may not be immediately provided. The district and/or board will follow up with individuals as necessary.
Members of the audience are not to interrupt the meeting or the board during the meeting. If an audience member is demonstrating interruptive or inappropriate behavior or is utilizing inappropriate or disrespectful materials or signs, they will receive one warning and if the behavior continues will be asked to leave the meeting.
COVID Considerations
All visitors to district facilities are required to wear a mask. If visitors forget a mask, they may be provided one by district staff and are expected to follow the guidelines. If a visitor is unable to follow these guidelines without medical exemptions or circumstances, they may be asked to leave the building.
Also, we are able to hold in-person meetings at a 50% capacity limit, for a total of 35, and audience members will be placed 6-feet apart. Those who signed up for public participation or who will be presenting to the board will have priority access. If capacity limits are reached, interested community members may watch the meeting from the district’s streaming channel at
Thank you for your support of these guidelines. If you need translation services, please contact the district office at (970) 247-5411 or by email at [email protected] to request this service in advance of the meeting.