Nathaniel Baier Specialist Football Coach/Asst Girls Basketball Coach at MMSDurango High School and Miller Middle School
Kimberly Barnes Speech Language Pathologist970-903-6356Riverview Elementary, Animas Valley Elementary
Lu Boren Agriculture TeacherMiller Middle School Ag/Vet Science Greenhouse teacher at Escalante Middle School
Michael Bork Teacher Physical Education / Specialist Football CoachNeedham Elementary Durango High School (Coach)
William Dodd PE Teacher/EMS Athltc Dir/Head Girls' Bsktb Coach/Boys Bskb AssEscalante Middle School
Shannon Donnaway Speech Language Pathologist970-317-3636Big Picture High School, Phoenix Program, Durango High School, Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary, Miller Middle School, Escalante Middle School
Aaron Egoak Assistant Football Coach DHS & Head Wrestling Coach EMSDurango High School Escalante Middle School
Robert Finneseth Specialist Football Coach / Head Wrestling Coach at MMSDurango High School Miller Middle School
Coley Griffin Wrestling Assistant Coach/In School SuspensionDurango High School and Escalante Middle School
Masen Hibbeler Head Baseball Coach / Building Tech - GroundkeeperDurango High School Custodial Bldg Services
Shannon Kartheiser School Psychologist970-903-7453Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary, Sunnyside Elementary, Animas Valley Elementary
Kaitlin Miller ELD TeacherFlorida Mesa Elementary Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary Big Picture High School
Madison Obernesser Special Education Para / Asst. Track CoachAnimas Valley Elementary Durango High School
Isa Polt-Jones LCS ELD Teacher and ESP Spanish Language & Culture Lesson FacilitatorSunnyside Elementary
Victor Ruggiero Small Vehicle Mini Bus Driver -Specialist Track & Cross Country Coach DHSTransportation Department Durango High School
Sandra Sheppard HR Generalist and Head Girls' Basketball Coach for MMS
Valeria Skarbek Head Boys Lacrosse Coach and DHS Teacher and Knowledge Bowl AdvisorDurango High School
Jeremy Voss Asst Principal for DBPHS/The HUB & Asst Cross-Country CoachBig Picture HS The Hub Durango HS
Richard White Cook @ AVE and Bus Driver in Training for TransportationAnimas Valley Elementary Transportation Department
Jamie Yarbrough Senior Administrative AssistantCurriculum & Assessment Instruction & Professional Development