November Update from the Superintendent

We are excited to provide a couple resources for you to learn more about our English/ Language Arts and Math curriculum at each grade level. The standards and grade level expectations for each grade can be found at:  In addition, the Board of Education monitors student achievement results at each monthly Board meeting.  You can find those data charts at:  We are committed to making sure every student meets or exceeds the Colorado Academic Standards at each grade level and have put strong intervention measures in place.  Our entire district wants to do whatever it takes to help each child be successful.

Our goal is to increase options for parent volunteers as soon as it is safe for our students.  Currently, parents can attend meetings at school and guest speakers and after-school clubs are happening. Our current building visitor policy can be found here (along with other COVID protocols):  Our schools very much need your help being involved and volunteering for their Parent-Teacher Organizations.  This is a great way to organize fun events and educational programs for students, get to know other parents, and support teachers and staff. If you are interested please contact your school’s principal or parent organization president.

There are a couple exciting opportunities for students to be involved, too.  Students in 4th through 12th grade are invited to be part of the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council.  The Council will meet monthly after school-alternating Zoom and in-person-and will work on projects to make our district better.  These might be Service Learning or Community Service projects, events for students, ideas for teachers, or other action plans.  The group’s projects will be driven by our student’s ideas.  Students can show their interest in being part of the group here:

Also, we are ready to start sign-ups for FIRST LEGO League Robotics, grades K-12.  Here’s a link to a video about FLL:  We have a limited number of spaces, due to the number of volunteer parent coaches, so please encourage students to sign up here as soon as possible.  More information about weekly practices will be sent to those who sign up at this link:

Our teachers and staff are among the best in the country and are dedicated to the success of your children.  Please contact me if you need anything, have ideas or suggestions, or want to problem-solve through a concern.  Thank you.


Dr. Karen Cheser
