For a short time period in summer 2023 (Aug. 1 to Aug. 8), the written legend in the 2023-24 Academic Calendar correctly listed Spring Break as March 18-22. However, due to an administrative error there was misplaced green shading in the calendar image that showed incorrect dates for Spring Break as March 25-29.
On Aug. 18, 2023, an updated version of the 2023-24 Academic Calendar was shared with all school families in the Community Update digital newsletter. It included a link to the new document on the Academic Calendar page on our website. This calendar, which is the current version posted, shows correct dates for Spring Break as March 18-22, as well as potential added dates at the end of the year for extra Snow Day makeup, if needed.
Our Academic Calendars are subject to change. We recommend that families refer to the online version of the Academic Calendar as the most up to date resource for district breaks and professional learning days. We provide a link to the calendar in most Community Update newsletters to reference important dates. We regret the summer 2023 administrative error and any confusion this may have caused our school families.