Staying Healthy in School and Sports

The health guidelines are detailed in the document titled: ‘How Sick is Too Sick?’

When should I keep my student home?

Please keep your student at home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms: 

  • A severe or new cough
  • A Fever (> or = 100.4F)
  • Flu-like symptoms (Sore throat, body aches, fever, cough)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea


When can my student return to school after a respiratory illness (including COVID-19)?

Your child may return to school when they have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and their symptoms are improving. Upon returning, we recommend considering additional precautions for at least five days, including:  

  • Practicing hand and respiratory hygiene  
  • Wearing a mask  
  • Maintaining physical distance  
  • Undergoing testing  

If your child experiences concerning symptoms such as shortness of breath, lethargy, or a fever lasting more than three days, we advise seeking medical guidance.

Per district policy, the district reserves the right to require a physician's statement authorizing the student's return to school or sports. 


When is it safe for my student-athlete to return to sports after COVID-19?

Given the potential link between COVID-19 and cardiovascular inflammation, please work with your child’s medical provider for guidance regarding your child’s safe return to sports. 

For updated information regarding testing and vaccines,  please refer to the CDC. 

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community healthy and safe! 
