November 2024 Bond Update: Jacobs named project manager

Two men are posing for a photo outdoors at what appears to be a public event.Jacobs Program Manager Devon Merriman, left, and Nick Nyholm, Jacobs Assistant Project Manager, were all smiles during the Impact Career Innovation Center ground-breaking event on Sept. 19, 2023. They were a big part of the success of the 2020 4A Bond, and are excited to begin working on the new 2024 Investing In Our Schools Bond. 


In November, the Board of Education, with recommendations from the Citizen Bond Oversight Committee and the Financial Advisory Committee, made a decision to sign an agreement with Jacobs to manage the 2024 Investing In Our Schools Bond. Jacobs has been managing the last bond initiative that passed in 2020 and received overwhelmingly positive marks from district staff and the committees that made recommendations to continue the relationship. This decision has helped to jumpstart the 2024 bond planning process. 

As we work in the background on next steps, below is a short timeline of events that will occur over the next couple of months:

  • Standing up a new Citizen Bond Oversight Committee. Estimated timeline: January 2025.The district invites people to join the 2024 Citizen Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). This is a group of volunteers who make sure school bonds are spent as promised. Their role is to be the eyes and ears of the community. They oversee the process, validate that spending conforms to ballot language, and review the budget. CBOC volunteers do not need to have children who currently attend Durango School District, but they must provide proof that they live in La Plata County by submitting a home address. Click here to express interest in joining the 2024 Citizen Bond Oversight Committee.

  • Meeting(s) of the district's Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC). Estimated timeline: December 2024/January 2025. The LRPC is a group of citizens, district staff, and community partners that helps guide the district on long-term goals. This group first prioritized the eight major initiatives for the district (some of which will be tackled with the 2024 bond). The committee will now meet to help prioritize projects and make a recommendation for allocation of the $150 million to the Board of Education for approval. Click here to express interest in joining the Long-Range Planning Committee.

  • Design/construction/architect RFPs and interviews. Estimated timeline: January/February 2025. The district will begin the process of sourcing contractors who will work on the new projects that will be accomplished under the 2024 Investing In Our Schools Bond.

  • Development of master construction schedules. Estimated timeline: February 2025. Master schedules will be drafted upon the work above being finalized.