Hundreds of families enjoyed Escalante Welcome Night

"We are happy to see so many families show up tonight and have a chance to see what it's like to be a proud Escalante Eagle," said Principal Emily Moreland.

She listed some of the school's benefits for incoming families, including: no wait list; a diverse, inclusive culture; a wide variety of athletics, clubs, and after-school activities like robotics and hydroponics; the chance to take classes for high school credit (engineering, agriculture, media arts, and Spanish); strong support for gifted and talented students; social-emotional resources; and the Portrait of a Graduate vision connecting elementary to middle to high school in Durango School District (DSD). 

"Entering middle school can feel a little scary for students – and their parents," said Karla Sluis, DSD Public Information Officer. "Meeting new the leaders, seeing the space and knowing how to get around takes a lot of the fear factor out of this big transition."

Escalante Middle School Welcome Night

Approximately 200 families attended the event at Escalante Middle School in the cafeteria/theater space.

Principal Emily Moreland speaks with families

EMS Principal Emily Moreland tells future students that they are free to roam the school and find answers to a scavenger hunt sheet. The game was intended to help students feel comfortable and confident when they attend the new school – whether that's next year or in two to three years.

Families wander through the lobby of Escalante Middle School

Families wander through the lobby of Escalante Middle School, and peeked in on a basketball game in the gym.

Families work on scavenger hunt questions at Escalante Middle School

A family works on scavenger-hunt questions, including: What sports can you play at Escalante? (Answer: Basketball, football, track & field, volleyball, and wrestling.)

Student ambassador helps during a scavenger hunt at Escalante Middle School

Current EMS students acted as ambassadors to meet and guide future students during the scavenger hunt.

Students get prizesThe evening ended with students receiving a Portrait of a Graduate-branded compass or dry bag as a prize for completing the scavenger hunt. 

To learn more about the school, visit the Escalante Middle School website page.
