February 2025 Bond Update: Assembling our teams and setting schedules

Citizen Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)

We collected interest in this committee in January and February, and now have a list of candidates for the DSD Board of Education to review and approve. It is anticipated that this will be done in February, and the CBOC is likely to begin meeting in March. The committee's role is to be the eyes and ears of the community. Members will oversee the process, validate that spending conforms to ballot language, and review the budget.

Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC)

The LRPC met in December to strategize and firm up allocations of bond dollars across the various projects so that planning could begin. The committee continues to meet on the long-range vision for the district. The initial allocations are listed below and may change if so determined by district leadership and the Board of Education.

  • Deferred Maintenance: $37.4 million
  • Sustainability – Low Flow Water: $600,000
  • Three Springs School: $60 million
  • Workforce Housing: $20 million
  • Convert Florida Mesa Elementary Campus: $2 million
  • Eliminate Leased Facilities: $3 million
  • Renovate Escalante Middle School: $3 million
  • Replace Old Furniture: $9 million
  • Renovate The Hub/Big Picture High School: $4 million
  • Bond Contingency/Program Management/Fees: $11 million

Design/Construction/Architect Request for Proposals and Interviews

The district has narrowed the RFP respondents down for interviews and will be interviewing qualified architects in February, with a goal to have them contracted by March. Shortly after, interviews for general contractors will occur once those respondents are reviewed.

Development of Master Construction Schedules

Master schedules will be drafted upon the work above being finalized.

Three Springs School

The district is in discussions with the land owner to have property dedicated to the school district as per an established contract. Currently, some surveys of the land are being done to help guide the design process that will kick off in late Q1/early Q2 2025.

Workforce Housing

The district has engaged a housing consultant to assist with this project and has already hit an early milestone of rolling out a survey to assess staff needs.

Deferred Maintenance

The district has worked through assessment reports to identify the most severe maintenance needs to be addressed. Once bid packaging is completed, next steps will be putting out RFPs for this scope.

Other Specific Projects/Bid Packaging

We will begin developing scope for other projects as part of the bid-packaging process. This will lead to additional RFPs, reviews of respondents, etc. 
