Need to replace a student ID/bus pass? Here's how

  • First badge (beginning of year/newly enrolled student): Free of charge
  • Replacements: A small fee applies (fee waiver available in certain circumstances)
  • Where to request a replacement: Visit your school’s front office. Badges will be ready in 3-5 school days.
  • Bus riders: Students must have their pass to ride – be sure to replace it promptly!

For full details on the replacement process, view the complete Student ID Badge/Bus Pass Replacement Policy below.

Durango School District 9-R Student ID Badge/Bus Pass Replacement Policy


The student ID badge/bus pass is an essential part of student identification, campus security, and now serves as a requirement to use the Durango School District school bus transportation system.

Procedures for Lost Student ID Badges/Bus Passes

  • Students and/or guardians must report a lost ID badge to their child's school administrative office within 24 hours of noticing the loss.
  • The school's office will contact the guardian to verify that the ID has been lost.
  • School office personnel will enter the request into the automated Student Badge Replacement process.
  • If a student finds their old badge after a new one has been issued, it must be turned into the school office. These badges will no longer work with the Transfinder system.
  • The student's parent/guardian will be billed $10 for each replacement. This may be paid by cash, check, or credit card, or we can send you a parent payment link by email.
  • The new student ID badge/bus pass will typically be available within 3-5 business days at the front office of the child's school.
  • If there are five or more replacement requests, this will be brought to the attention of the school and may result in a meeting between the school administration and the student's parent/guardian to review the issue.

Exceptions and Financial Hardships

  • Students who participate in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program or the McKinney-Vento Program will be exempt from the penalty fee for a lost student ID.
    • If you believe that you qualify for these waivers, please inform the admin when you are asked for payment.
  • Students who are designated in an IEP or 504 status will not be exempt.
  • Students who are unable to pay the fee due to financial hardship may submit a written request for a fee waiver to the school principal or designated administrator.

Student and Parent Responsibilities

  • Students are responsible for the safekeeping of their ID badge/bus pass, and must ensure it is in their possession at all times while on school property.
  • Failure to comply with the replacement policy may result in limited access to school facilities, school transportation, and other school resources.