Student Conduct Code » Student Conduct Code

Student Conduct Code

Durango 9-R recognizes that positive student behavior is a major factor in creating a safe and productive learning environment for all students. The Student Code of Conduct is designed to promote a safe and orderly educational setting through high standards of behavior that is conducive to academic achievement. The Code of Conduct is aligned with Section J of our District Policies. The entire Students-Section J District Policies can be located within the District Policy Manual located on our website, 
It is the district’s intention that students develop individual knowledge, skills, and competence. It is equally important that those students learn how to be responsible and contributing members of society. Effective student discipline is a prerequisite for sound educational practice and productive learning. The objectives of disciplining any student also includes helping the student to develop a positive attitude toward self-discipline and behavior. The Colorado State Legislature general assembly further finds that school districts should use multi-tiered discipline approaches and work with students, families, and community agencies to develop alternatives that support student success. (C.R.S. 22-33-201)
For a printable version of the Student Conduct code, use the PDF below.